Yelp Baton Rouge#MeetTheOwner [Season 1: Episode 2): Leroy’s LipSmack’n Lemonade BRAND

Jugs and bottles of Leroy's LipSmack'n lemonade at Bet-R

It’s time to #MeetTheOwner Leroy Hayward III, 14-year-old CEO & Co-Owner of Leroy’s Lip Smack’n Lemonade, is dedicated to making a difference with his lemonade. Growing up, Leroy really did not really socialize with others. Battling a growth hormone deficiency and hearing loss in both ears, Leroy also had to deal with being treated differently as a special needs child.

In 2012, Leroy and his parents, Sherilyn Hayward & Leroy Hayward Jr., entered into Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers’s National Lemonade Day. They set up Leroy’s first lemonade stand in the front yard and Leroy immediately fell in love with the stand because he was able to sell his lemonade to others without any fear or worry of being treated differently.

His parents knew this was an opportunity they could not ignore and Leroy’s LipSmack’n Lemonade was born! This business is much more than just a lemonade stand—with every purchase, a Children’s Hospital patient’s life is improved through a donation. These donations to the Children’s Hospital is a way to not only support the future of other children in need but as a way to give back to the doctors who had done so much for Leroy.

Leroy LipSmack’n Lemonade has continued to grow each day. His lemonade is now being sold at all LSU sporting venues and can be found in various local stores and restaurants in the community such as Memphis Mac and Bet-R Grocery.

The best way to show support is by buying some lemonade! You can also purchase a t-shirt, make a donation, or simply share their story with your friends and family. You can also follow Leroy on Instagram @leroyslemonade and Facebook at Leroy’s Lip Smack’n Lemonade.

“I’m a CHAMPION! I’m a LEADER!” – Leroy Hayward III

#BlackOwnedOnYelp #BlackOwnedBusiness #SmallLocalBusiness

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