1 Year Birthday Donation: Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Health Hospital

Happy 1st Bday OLOL Children's Hospital

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY goes out to Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Health. We couldn’t let this week go by without sending our thank you, prayers and joyous claps for all that you do. Leroy III is a true ultimate testimony of Children’s Hospital. We continue to give back because we know the hard work that is put in and the love that’s given to each and every child and family, and overall because Leroy III loves to give back.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ololchildrens ❤️

#AmazingFirst #365AmazingDaysnn#ChildrensHospital #ChildGivesBack #Lemonade

The Lemonade that keeps on giving.

It’s not just Lemonade, it’s Lemonade with a purpose
